2009年12月31日 星期四

自我介紹十大名言(Ten famous self-introduction)

1.我的個性很活潑(My personality is very lively)
2.我的眼睛很大又迷人(My eyes large, attractive)
3.我熱愛運動與體能活動(I love sports and physical activities)
4.我既孝順又懂事的小孩(I have also begun to learn about both the filial child)
5.我愛幫助他人又熱心(I love to help others and enthusiasm for helping)
6.我喜歡電子機械的東西(I like the electro-mechanical things)
7.我喜歡玩線上遊戲(I love to play online games)
8.我喜歡看電影和卡通(I like to watch movies and cartoons)
9.我喜歡玩生存遊戲(I like to play the survival game)
10.我一個小鬼靈精(I am a little Guiling Jing)

